The Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled (AROD) was inaugurated on the 04th of February 1990 at the premises of then Jaipur Foot Programme at No:39, Columbuthurai Road, Chundikuli, Jaffna.
Then Dr S Sanmugalingam was the founder President and continued as President from 1990 to 1992. He resigned from the post and migrated out of the country for personal reasons.
The Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled (AROD) has completed 21 years of service for the disabled; which includes the most trying periods for the people of the area, civil wars, mass displacements and social unrest. Still the Association never kept its doors closed for the disabled public. It continued to provide living allowance for the neediest disabled, revolving loans, wheelchairs crutches, tricycles, walking frames and special commodes for the physically disabled, physiotherapy services at hospital, white cane, Braille papers and other assistance for the blind, vocational training for disabled and community based rehabilitation especially for the landmine victims and counselling for the disabled, English language study.
Our building is situated on the street of Winsland, but our people represent a rich diversity of ethnic, educational and socio-economic backgrounds.
There are 13 girls and 6 boys stay in our hostel now.
Initially, The Organization started functioning at No: 15, Columbuthurai Road, Chundikuli. Soon after the inaguration, the war escalated. The areas surrounding the Jaffna fort was affected most and even the Jaffna Teaching Hospital was shifted to the Green Memorial in Manipay. The population of Chundikuli and the surrounding areas moved out. As a result we lost almost all our assets including a popularitry farm which was started by AROD for the disabled.
The Association was shifted to the residence of the president at that time (Dr S Sanmugalingam) at 180 A, Navalar Road, Jaffna. On 18.01.1992, AROD was again shifted to No: 16, Columbuthurai Road, Chundikuli, and Jaffna. Since the house was to be returned to the owners, AROD had to shift again and moved to No: 39, Columbothurai Road, Chundikuli, Jaffna. This house was released for our use by the generosity of Dr Arul Ranjitham of USA. During the escalation of the war in 2000, we had again shift out of Chundikuli.
Dr S Sanmugalingam our former president and present patron came to the rescue and gave us the present house on 18-07-2000 at No: 47/2, Adiyapatham Road, Thirunelvely North, Jaffna. On a long lease. The accommodation and sewing centre is located in these premises. The Association was opened a branch at vadamarachchi on 18.01.1992, and the bad situation the branch was closed on 30.5.2007. Dr R Natkunam of USA and former Thoracic Surgeon of Jaffna Teaching Hospital has also handed over his house at No 100, Adiyapatham Road, Kokuvil East, Kokuvil Jaffna. on 31.12.2003 to us for our activities the office and plant nursery, other training for disabled is located in this premises”