Provision of Wheel chair to a needy disabled

 Cost: LKR 20,000.00

Provision of a Tricycle to a needy disabled

  Cost: LKR 30,000.00

Repairs to disability equipment

  Cost: LKR 5-15,000.00

Supply of a commode

  Cost: LKR 5000.00

Supply of crutches

  Cost: LKR 3000.00

Supply of walking frames

  Cost: LKR 5000.00

Six months training of a disabled in a skill which they can use to improve
their productivity and financial status. The cost includes food, accommodation,
training material etc.

  Cost: LKR 50,000.00

Provision of Lunch for Disabled in memory of a deceased, on birthdays,
wedding anniversaries etc.

  Cost: LKR (Vegetarian)  5000.00
    (Non-Veg)  LKR 7000.00

Monthly allowance to a poor incapacitated disabled

  Cost: LKR 10,000.00

Provision of educational equipment and school needs to disabled children
or children of disabled

  Cost: LKR 10,000.00

Recreational visits of the disabled

  Cost: LKR 25,000.00

Special projects (on request)

  Cost: LKR 1-5 million

Building fund

Establishment of sales centre

Establishment of Community Based Rehabilitation